The movie Streetwise exposed the facts of poverty that many young teens face in nowadays. This film centered on a particular teenage residents of the Seattle streets. What really socked me about this film was shows that teens engaged in various forms of drug dealing, petty thievery, and prostitution. These are often their only means of survival. Rat, a 17 yrs old who lives in an abandoned hotel and survives by ``rolling queers'' and digging discarded food from restaurant dumpsters. The character that stood out to me was Dewayne. With his malnutrition problems and yet very strong and determine to continuing in the daily battle of survive. I admire Dewayne and feel sympathy because he didn’t have many opportunities like most of us do; his father was in jai for almost his entire life.
I think this film was very interesting and educative for viewers because it showed the realism experienced by a growing number of nomadic teenagers in America's urban centers, and it is extremely difficult and disturbing to view. Streetwise inevitably undermines the comfortable myths that are associated with childhood. These give way to scenes of grim authenticity that depict the daily lives of children, who are routinely placed in danger of death, starvation, and prostitution and who must often sell their bodies and their blood in order to survive. This episode in the movie was hard to watch and understand how is possible that a fourteen-year-old prostitute climb into a passing car for the purpose of performing sexual favors and a 14 yrs old who must sell his blood in order to eat, it got to me and made me think how and why we as society allow this to happen to some of our teens.
What I like the most about this film was that unfolds the hidden reality of the horrors of life on the street as they are experienced by a number of, vulnerable teenagers. It does so without falsely glamorizing their dangerous exploits or elevating their experiences to the realm of the surreal. There was an. it was sad to see that happening to this teenagers who were left in life with two things, hope and a great heart.
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